Learn more about MCI due to AD, the symptomatic, pre-dementia stage of Alzheimer’s.
Nearly every minute, someone in America transitions from normal aging when they occasionally experience senior moments of memory loss to a stage at which their memory loss becomes an everyday part of their life.
This stage is called mild cognitive impairment due to Alzheimer’s disease (MCI due to AD), a transition disease state between a normal aging brain and Alzheimer’s dementia. There is no treatment for MCI due to AD. For most, MCI due to AD will progress over subsequent years to Alzheimer’s dementia.
You are Not Alone in Facing this Challenge
Today 5.2 million Americans and 25 million people worldwide suffer from MCI due to AD, and this population will double by 2030.
Data from the National Institute on Aging show that even slowing progression can have massive benefits to patients, their families, and society as a whole. For every year that the onset of Alzheimer’s dementia can be delayed, there is an approximately 10% reduction in the prevalence of this disease.
Learn More about our HOPE4MCI Phase 3 clinical trial
To Learn More about MCI due to AD and Alzheimer’s Dementia
Alzheimer’s Foundation of America
Alzheimer’s Drug Discovery Foundation
Alzheimer’s Disease Educational and Referral Center
National Council for Aging Care